Every Mile Mattered

Recently, I was blessed to be able to attend the Moxie Matters Tour to hear Jen Hatmaker and Nichole Nordeman tell about their own life struggles and how they manage through it with God’s grace and mercy. It was a joy to be able to laugh and sing right along with two of MY favorite girls – Mandy and Carol.

Nichole is from Colorado Springs and I worked with her mom, Penny, at Shepard’s McGraw-Hill many years ago when Nichole and Shannon were graduating from high school. It’s wonderful to see how she has become such a force in the Christian music genre, touching thousands of lives and winning many awards. You may have seen one of her videos recently on social media called “Slow Down”. It went viral.

The song that touches me deeply and holds so much meaning for me is called, “Every Mile Mattered”. Isn’t that so true? Even though we may want to rewrite our history or take back time, every one of the miles we have traveled made us who we are today. Thank you God for all those miles, every one mattered to me.